“You’re an Indian.” tweets Katie McHugh for being called “moron”. Breitbart fires her.

Logo of the Twitter and Facebook are seen through magnifier on display in this illustration taken in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 16, 2015. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

NEW YORK – It’s one thing for President Donald Trump to sit up all night tweeting his inner thoughts and frustrations, as most people on the East Coast, at least, are asleep, dream of a perfect sunny weekend, frolicking on the beach, grilling on the patio. Quite another for ordinary folks to vent anger on social media at happenings around the world that’s beyond their control, without repercussions.

Ask Katie McHugh. She knows this bitter fact only too well by now. The conservative news website Breitbart fired one of their most prolific writers after a series of tweets by her, loaded with more than a mere speck of racism and racist innuendoes.

McHugh’s downfall came in the wake of the London Bridge terrorist attack, on Saturday, that left seven people dead, dozens injured. She tweeted her dismay and ire, shortly before 7 p.m. the same day: “There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn’t live there.”


And then came the degrading parrying and jousting – part and parcel of twitter rants. The actor Pej Vahdat, who is of Iranian American origin, tweeted his disgust at McHugh, showing his affront at what seemed a thought process to either exterminate all the Muslims in the UK, or to deport them en masse, to God knows where: “You’re a real moron.”

To that, came McHugh’s attempt to devastate, thrust mortally her verbal opponent with one ‘Khallas’ move as used by the WWE champion Jinder Mahal: “You’re an Indian.”

Now, one can safely assume that McHugh was not exactly extolling the virtues of Vahdat when she termed him as an “Indian.” For sure, she didn’t have the contribution of the Indian American physicians, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and others in mind, or the fact that they are the wealthiest community in the US.

In the world of twitter, where even abuse has got limits, McHugh with one sly, insidious word, wanted to debase and put Vahdat in his ‘place’, knock him down, end the Whac-a-Mole game. In her stupid, racist mind, what better word than ‘Indian’?

By using that word, McHugh showed she was racist trash like so many other Alt Right conservatives, who project moral uprightness, but would probably even loath a dog whose color is not pristine white: she wanted to dismiss Vahdat for his color of skin, express her deep disgust for a person she thought was an immigrant, from a poor country, not fit to even get into an argument with.

Tweeting horror and anger at radical Islamic terrorism is one thing. To link all colored people – Muslims, Indians, so forth, in a series of tweets, only exposed McHugh’s sick xenophobia.

McHugh is now on a new, modern version of ‘welfare’ drive in the US: pleading for money on a crowdfunding page to help her way through as she searches for a new job. McHugh needs to understand one more thing after being fired: crowdfunding sites are for people to raise money in an emergency, when there’s a tragedy, death, funeral expenses.

Well, she’s not getting a dime from me, or other ‘Indians’ for that fact. Make that all the colored people in the US.

There have been plenty of racist talk going around in the media, in the recent past.

The new Spelling Bee champion Ananya Vinay, who’s only 12 years old, got a dose of it on CNN when a host assumed she knew Sanskrit. Of course, she’s a bit too young to have asked the host politely if he knew his Frisian, Saxon and Old Bythonic languages, which he probably might not have been able to spell, forget talk or understand it.

And then there’s the flack Bill Maher got for his “house n*****” comment with Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, on last Friday’s show.

Reports say HBO will not fire Maher.