World leaders at the 2024 Summit of the Future stress on urgency to act now for a safe future

World leaders at the UN adopt Pact For The Future. PHOTO:

United Nations – World leaders at the summit emphasized urgency to act now to avoid a ‘dark future’. They also stressed the need for Security Council reform, greater youth engagement in decision-making and bold actions to address the adverse impacts of climate change.

The takeaways from the Summit of the Future are:

1.The urgency of time and the need to act now.

2.Change the Security Council to be more inclusive and representative.

3.Global peace and security can be maintained by more representation and stricter rules of governance in many areas including cyber, maritime and space.

4.Urgent need to address climate change and financing for it.

  1. Youth and women should be included in decision making.

Act Now – Many leaders pointed out the urgency to act now. Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas, called for swift movement right now, saying we are on the frontline of the climate crisis and inaction will only threaten the security of our people further.

Summit of the Future banner. PHOTO:

Reform the Security Council – This area was dwelt on at length by Heads of State and Governments who emphasized the need to rethink global governance and create a fairer, more inclusive multilateral system that will benefit all countries.

One of the best suggested solutions came from President of Finland, Alexander Stubb who suggested three concrete steps:

(1) expand the Council by five members from Latin America, Africa and Asia, as well as (2) scrap the veto power, and

(3) voting rights to be suspended if a Council member blatantly violates the Charter of the United Nations

Warning that the trust in the Security council was declining, Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia, stressed that the Security Council should represent voices from Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, and make sure that small States and their interests are heard.

Global peace and security – Members expressed concerns over four major simultaneous wars in Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan, and Syria, Other threats include cyber, maritime and space, the delegates said. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested balanced global digital governance for safe and responsible use of technology, and upholding national sovereignty and integrity.

Climate change and SDGs – That the world is far behind in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was the prominent theme of the discussions. Heads of State and Governments highlighted the security risks of the changing climate, while speakers from small island developing States stressed that climate change is threatening the lives of their people.

A warning came from the President of Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, who said climate change had the potential to worsen some of humanity’s greatest challenges including poverty, hunger and health.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Murat Nurtleu, pointed out that Central Asia stands on the front line of global warming and will face an above-average 2.5°C-degree temperature increase by 2050.  He further  informed that Kazakhstan will host the first UN Regional Climate Summit in 2026 to deal with problems like melting glaciers, water scarcity and desertification.

A way to deal with global warming was suggested by Kiribati’s representative who spoke about Kiribati’s resilience in the face of dire environmental realities.

Many leaders noted that no meaningful climate action can take place in the face of financial shortages. Many said the burdensome requirements of international funding for climate resilience make it inaccessible. While other speakers from small island said developing nations deserve a dedicated focus.

Youth, women and future generations – Many delegates highlighted the role of youth in shaping a peaceful future. President of Ecuador Daniel Noboa Azin pointed out that the youth represent 40 per cent of the population in Latin America and Africa and warned that achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will be impossible if the needs of the young people are not addressed. He stressed the urgency to tackle the alarming and growing rates of youth unemployment and called for more investments to pull youth from the grasp of criminal activities.

The general call of the Assembly was to put women and youth at the center of future action, without which the common goals would not be met.

Minister of State for Government Development and Future of the United Arab Emirates, Ohood Bint Khalfan Al Roumi, stressed the need to listen to youth, to women and all segments of societies in decision-making. He said this approach will help preserve the planet for future generations and establish peace, security and prosperity.

Leaders at the summit agreed by consensus that global challenges require commitment to preserve future generations as captured by the Pact for the Future.



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