Women’s Cricket Council takes off in Chicago with its Mother’s Day special debut league  

Above and below, scenes from the event where the Women’s Cricket Council of America was established in Chicago to celebrate Mother’s Day. PHOTOS:Pankaj Bhuyan

What could have been a better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than the establishment of a Cricket council dedicated to women athletes?

American premier cricket league and APCL cricket Academy along with IUSA Media and Rajshi Events celebrated Mother’s Day by establishing a Women Cricket council of America ( WCCA) fully dedicated to coaching and mentoring women cricket players.

Women’s Cricket Council of America organized its very first league along with the Mother’s Day celebration, and the inaugural league was attended by state representative Michelle Mussman, along with other distinguished community members of Chicago.

APCL founder Subbu Iyer briefed the guests about the future plans and activities of WCCA and the APCL Cricket Academy. The executive board members of WCCA Vibha, Gupta Iyer, Ajanta Talukdar and Prachi Jaitly thanked everyone for supporting the efforts of WCCA on the very first league.

The entire event and the league matches were coordinated by Lakhinder Sharma, Prashant, Gupta, Phani Krishna, and other APCL team members. WCCA also thanked all its sponsors and supporters for the generous support to their first event.

Four teams named Naperville riders, Hoffman Hawks, Schaumburg boomers, north stars from different cities participated in the league matches . Hoffman Hawks won the series and claimed the championship trophy.

WCCA aims to promote cricket in the US mentoring female athletes and organizing county level, state level and national bel league in future. The objectives of the very first event was to celebrate wonderful mothers, establish the Women’s Committee to represent the Women’s Cricket Council and promote opportunities to work with the APCL Academy,  become a certified coach, and earn while playing.



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