USAID Dy Assistant Administrator for Asia Anjali Kaur on visit to India

Anjali Kaur. PHOTO:

New Delhi [India], November 20 (ANI): US Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) of the Bureau for Asia Anjali Kaur will be on a visit to India from November 20-26 to advance the US-India development partnership, the US Embassy in India said in a press release.
Anjali Kaur will also meet government officials and development partners. She will also visit USAID-supported sites in Dharamshala and New Delhi. During her visit to Dharamshala, Kaur will engage with Tibetan leaders, youth and communities.
“While in Dharamshala, DAA Kaur will engage with Tibetan leaders and youth, as well as communities and institutions which are sustaining their unique identity and culture,” the US Embassy in India said in a press release.
During her visit to Delhi, Anjali Kaur will engage with government officials, partners, and staff on critical development issues including climate change, trilateral cooperation, women’s economic empowerment and gender equity, and digital development, the press release said.