United Punjabis of America Celebrates Lohri

A group picture of artists with executive board of United Punjabis of America.

United Punjabis of America celebrated Lohri Jan. 28 with song, dance and a variety of kids performances, all of which had flavors of Punjab where it is a widely popular festival marking the harvest of Rabi crop.

At the celebration that was attended among others, by entrepreneurs and business people,
The UPA board honored three business leaders – Shalabh Kumar, Hersh Ketharpal and Rahul Wahi –- for their contribution to Indian community as well as the entire society at large.

Kumar is the CEO of AVG Group of companies while Ketharpal, is a spiritual and community leader and the founding director of the Yog Sadhna Ashram of Chicago. For the past 25 years she has been serving the community by sharing her knowledge of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Pranayam, mediation and and yogic cleansing not only at the Ashram but also at other locations.


Wahi, a young Punjabi entrepreneur is the founder and CEO of LLT Group, a digital marketing company operating in Naperville. The group donates $50,000 per year to the College of DuPage for scholarship for creative art students.

The event started with lighting the ceremonial lamp and singing of national anthems by Nipa Shah and Aavni Limdi. The UPA executive board members, including Madhu Uppal and Dharam Pawani, introduced the UPA core team.

The event was anchored by Jassi Parmar, founder of Desi Junction Radio.

The cultural programs, including song and dance recitals, were given by area dance schools.

Prachi Jaitly’s Bollywood Arts Academy presented a kid’s talent show with boys and girls performing on a mix of songs. The boys group dance by Gauri Mittal performed on the famous Daler Mehandi song Hayo Rabba, Hayo Rabba.