Trump sees Indian-American Kamala Harris as most credible opponent for president so far

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, D-California. (Photo: Twitter)

President Trump called Indian-American Sen. Kamala Harris the , D-Cmost credible candidate for President among the slew of Democrats rearing to face off against him in 2020.

Asked in a New York Times interview Feb. 1, who he thought was the “toughest” Democratic candidate so far, the President responded, “I would say, the best opening so far would be Kamala [pronouncing as Kameela] Harris. I would say, in terms of the opening act, I would say, would be her.”

What stood out about her, he indicated, was the announcement she made in Oakland, California Jan. 27, where a estimated crowd of more than 20,000 people came to cheer on her candidacy.


“A better crowd — better crowd, better enthusiasm. Some of the others were very flat,” the  President said, about that “opening act.” He criticized Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who he contended, had “been hurt very badly with the Pocahontas trap.” Over the year, President Trump has referred to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas, based on her claims she had some Native American ancestry.

Some Republicans see Harris as the more moderate candidate in what they claim is a increasingly left-leaning Democratic Party. Harris record as a District Attorney and then Attorney General in California, has opened her criminal justice record for examination.

Conservative commentator David Brooks writing in a New York Times oped Jan. 31, described Sen. Harris as “formidable.”

“The more you learn about Kamala Harris, the more formidable she appears. She is an amazing amalgam of different elements — highly educated elite meritocrat, Oakland street fighter, crusading, rough-elbow prosecutor, canny machine pol and telegenic rhetorical brawler,” Brooks said. “She is also probably the toughest and most hard-nosed progressive on the scene right now,” he added.

“Democratic primary voters may decide that if they are going to take on Donald Trump, they’re going to want the roughest, most confrontational gladiator they can get. After they see how, well, direct she can be, they may decide that person is Kamala Harris,” Brooks opined.

Harris’ website also uses similar terminology – “Tough Principled Fearless” to describe her. On her website, she dwells on her African American  ancestry, noting that she was the second African American in history to be elected to the U.S. Senate and the first African Amerivan and first woman to serve as Attorney General of the state of California. Though her mother was Indian, there is no mention of the fact, that she is the first Indian-American to be a District Attorney in California, the first to be AG of that state, and later the first Indian-American ever to be elected to the Senate.