Three people of Indian origin killed in Indiana crash


Three people, all of them with Indian names, were killed in a deadly crash June 24, on the highway, Interstate 94, in Indiana’s LPorte County, NBC Chicago reported.

They were identified as Alkesh Patel, 58, Hina Patel, 54, and Aditi Nirmit Patel, 30, according to the report quoting Indiana State Police. They died on the scene at the multi-vehicle accident which happened that Saturday morning.

According to police accounts, the crash took place when a Kia sedan which was parked on the side of the road and was flashing its hazard lights because of a mechanical failure, was waiting for roadside service.


The driver made a call for the roadside service around 8:30 am, and as they waited, a Dodge SUV, being driven eastbound, left its lane and slammed into the Kia, the news report said.

The 29 year-old driver of the Kia, whose name is not revealed, managed to jump out of the way. But those inside the vehicle were trapped inside, the police said.

ABCnewsChicago reported that those killed were from North Carolina. “The force of the crash pushed the Kia into the center lane of the highway, where it burst into flames,” ABCnewsChicago reported.

No one in the Dodge SUV was injured.