The best yet from Shan Foods

Photo: Xtreme Media

In this world of incessant content marketing and information overload, one rarely comes across a piece of work, especially an ad, that instantly warms your heart. And that’s exactly what the latest Shan Foods film does.

This is a heart-warming story of a little girl, Meera, who’s been adopted in an entirely different culture. She finds herself excited yet extremely lost in this new world. Her adoptive parents do their best to make her feel at home. Meera still feels alienated.
But the parent’s persistence pays and they do something that sparks the beginning of a new friendship. That little lost girl finally feels at home.

What struck us is how a delicate and sensitive subject like this has been given it’s due and woven into a wonderful script. The film unravels many layers of emotions this little girl and her parents are going through. The simplicity of the script, the subtle performances of the actors, the restraint in the direction and an outstanding track are some of the ingredients that make this film extremely relatable. The fact that it has touched the hearts of millions is very evident from the overwhelming and immense love that viewers have expressed through their comments on various social and digital media platforms. Some excerpts below:


While the film embodies Shan’s belief that the world divides while food unites, this film delivers in a way that’s exceptionally empathetic, without the usual melodrama that many brands use as a crutch these days.

We have seen this ad making waves globally across social media, digital platforms and TV and rightfully so. Food undoubtedly is the best connector of people across cultures and Shan has played an important role in bringing people together and closer to their roots.

We say, a solid and relevant film exploring a topic that needs a lot of global attention.