Sai Pariwar holds fundraising event in North Brunswick, N.J.

Performers at the fundraising event held at Balaji Temple Auditorium in Bridgewater, N.J., May 8, 2022, to raise funds for a new Baba Temple and Cultural Center. Photo: courtesy Sai Pariwar

More than 300 devotees and supporters attended the May 8, 2022 fundraiser hosted by Sai Pariwar, Inc. & Sai Mandir in North Brunswick, New Jersey, a non-profit organization established 22 years ago. The event was held at Balaji Temple Auditorium in Bridgewater, New Jersey.

Sai Mandir model. Photo: courtesy Sai Pariwar

The fundraiser was held to support the construction of the  Baba Temple and Cultural Center, which, the organization said in a press release, will be the spiritual abode of not only Sri Shirdi Saibaba, but other Hindu Deities.

Sai Mandir, North Brunswick (Sai Pariwar), has acquired land in Central New Jersey area in North Brunswick Township, on Route 130, next to Shoprite Complex, for the new temple.

Singers and musicians t the fundraising event held at Balaji Temple Auditorium in Bridgewater, N.J., May 8, 2022, to raise funds for a new Baba Temple and Cultural Center. Photo: courtesy Sai Pariwar

The highlight at the fundraiser was a Bollywood musical concert with local talented young and veteran singers and musicians who performed melodies for more than three hours, ranging from old to Golden era to newer songs.

Currently, the temple management is working with the township and architects to get construction permits approved, expected to be done in the near future.

The current temple in North Brunswick is in the warehouse areas and the property is very old with logistical challenges of parking and limited access to special needs and handicapped devotees, organizers said.  The new temple will allow the devotees an opportunity to have facility to worship at a location which is safer with ample parking, basic needs and equipped with technologies required in the 21st century, Sai Pariwar said.

Sai Baba’s murti. Photo: courrtesy Sai Pariwar

The goal of Sai Pariwar is to raise 3 million dollars to complete the construction of new temple in the upcoming years.   The Sai Pariwar Board of Trustees and committee are requesting all devotees to contribute generously and also reach out to their friends, families and other acquintances for an initiative that promises to provide future generations with a place “to pray at Baba’s feet and to carry on our traditions, culture, values and heritage.”

Devotees and organizers pose for a photo at the fundraising event held at Balaji Temple Auditorium in Bridgewater, N.J., May 8, 2022, to raise funds for a new Baba Temple and Cultural Center. Photo: courtesy Sai Pariwar

“Your generous donations/contributions will ensure temple management can meet the financial needs for the construction of a new temple in highly populated Indian Americans in Central Jersey area,” the press release said.

Parikh Worldwide Media and ITV Gold were among the major media supporters for this fundraising event. For more information visit: