Rahul Gandhi praises the Indian American community, calling them India’s Ambassadors

Rahul Gandhi addressing community members on September 9, 2024, at the Hilton Washington Dulles in Virginia. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

Rahul Gandhi, India’s Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, praised the Indian American community, calling them “Ambassadors,” of India.

Gandhi addressed community members on September 9, 2024, at the Hilton Washington Dulles in Virginia. Acknowledging their challenges and celebrating their successes, he said, “You are our Ambassadors…You are the bridge between these two great unions of states. You make us very proud, because we understand what it meant for you to come here.”

Recognizing the difficulties and struggles they have endured to be in a new country, he noted “It’s not easy. But, when you came here, you came with humility, you came with respect, and you came with affection.”

Expressing excitement about the bilateral nature of community engagement with pride shown at being both Indian and American, he went on to say that the community’s role is to share American values with India and bring Indian traditions and ideas to the United States. By doing so, according to Gandhi they will strengthen both nations, creating a win-win for everyone involved.

Gandhi, reflecting on the recent election results in India, pointed out that “something has definitely changed,” with people now saying they no longer live in fear. He was also critical of the BJP for attempting to instill fear and suppress institutions and media.

“I get to see it in Parliament. I see the Prime Minister right up front… And he realizes it, India realizes it, his partners in government realize it…”

Gandhi recalled that three months before the general elections, the Congress Party’s bank accounts were sealed, leaving them with no funds for campaigning. Despite this, he encouraged senior leadership to proceed with a message “let us see what happens,” and the party fought the elections with determination.

He conveyed that “fight is not about politics. That is superficial,” and asked the name of a Sikh gentleman sitting on the front row at the event. He then mentioned that “the fight is about whether he as a Sikh is going to be allowed to wear this turban in India. He as a Sikh is going to be allowed to wear a kara [bangle] in India. Or [if] he as a Sikh is going to be able to go to Gurdwara. That’s what the fight is about.”

Community members listening to Rahul Gandhi’s address on September 9, 2024, at the Hilton Washington Dulles in Virginia. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

He then expressed that “fight is not just for him, but for all religions,” and stressed “RSS is basically saying is that certain states are inferior to other states. Certain languages are inferior to other languages. Certain religions are inferior to other religions. Certain communities are inferior to other communities. This is what the fight is about.”

Referring to the people of Tamil Nadu in the audience, he asked “What would you do if somebody told you, you cannot speak Tamil? How would you feel? How would you react?” adding, “That is the ideology of the RSS.”

He also used the opportunity to point out that the BJP did not understand that the country belongs to everyone and was built collectively. He emphasized that India is defined in the Constitution as a “union of states,” which represents a union of languages, traditions, histories, music, and dance.

He added that Congress aims to promote love, respect for people, traditions, religions, languages, and communities, rather than arrogance and hatred.

Global Chairman of the Indian Overseas Congress (IOC), Sam Pitroda, President of IOC-USA, Mohinder Singh Gilzian, President of IOC-USA, DC Chapter, Johnson Myalil also spoke on the occasion.



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