Psychological thriller “Torn” released on Amazon Prime in US, UK

Poster of film, “Torn”. PHOTOS: Provided by Mukesh Modi

Film producer Mukesh Modi announced the release of a psychological thriller “Torn,” August 22, 2024. It comes after Modi’s Bollywood venture “Political War” that faced some headwinds with censors in India.

The latest film “Torn” is produced under the D Star Entertainment banner and in collaboration with Manoj Narula of Ashwin Films, and directed by Ryen Williams Thomas. According to Modi, the film is “generating buzz” with its release on Amazon Prime Video in the US and UK, a press release said.

“Torn” follows a troubled father, Peter Stube (Jordon Alexander), who has purposefully chosen the small Appalachian town of Bilford for its isolated location, so he can disconnect and self-heal from the wounds of his past. Confining himself within the four walls of a small hunting cabin forces him to reflect on his former life, but without the proper therapy, he ends up berating himself for his downward spiral.

Actors and film-makers pose for a photo at the announcement of the release of film “Torn”. From left, Barrett Jay, Jordon Alexander, Ryen W. Thomas, Manoj Narula, Alfonso Freeman, Serge Usicov and Hunter Thore. PHOTO: Ryen W. Thomas

Unfortunately for Peter, Bilford is dealing with some turmoil of its own. Previously, the nearby wolf population was only known for inspiring some werewolf lore, but now with a dwindling food source the wolves have encroached on the townsfolk’s livestock and livelihood, inspiring panic and fear. Without hunters renting out mountain properties, eating in the diners or shopping on Main Street, the blame for the sudden decline of the town rests on the broad shoulders of Sheriff Mike Lewis.

Both men use each other as they aim to set their lives straight, but are continuously faced with previous mistakes.  Their friendship, born out of deceit and distrust may not survive Peter’s obsession with the local werewolf lore and eventual downward spiral but it won’t stop the Sheriff from genuinely wanting to ensure Peter’s well-being.



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