Odisha Society of Americas to hold 50th Annual Convention in Atlantic City

The Odisha Society of Americas will hold its 50th Annual Convention in Harrah’s Atlantic City, New Jersey, during July 4-7, 2019. Photo: Courtesy of the organizers.

The Odisha Society of Americas (OSA) will hold its 50th Annual Convention in Harrah’s Atlantic City, New Jersey, during July 4-7, 2019.

The Golden Jubilee Convention will bring attendees from around the globe to Atlantic City to reminisce OSA’s brilliant past, celebrate achievements of its members, and envision the future of the organization in the hands of the next generation of Odias, according to a press release.

The event is anticipated to be the largest gathering of Odias to date.  About 4,000 attendees drawn from 18 chapters covering the U.S., Canada, and territories, international branches hailing every continent (except Antarctica) are expected to arrive in Atlantic City to join in the festivities.


This Golden Jubilee event will feature exciting cultural programs, enlightening intellectual discourse spanning the fields of culture, education, science, technology, religion, medicine, entrepreneurship – with artists and luminaries from Odisha and North America.

The cultural showcase will include invited artists of international fame, emerging local youth, depicting dance, music, art, and crafts reflecting the cultural heritage of Odisha. Live display of sand art, Patta Chitras, late night Jatras (long drama) are also planned. Odisha ethnic food will take a center stage.  Well known performers will present eclectic Odishi dance.

Uma Ballav Mishra, Convener, said in a statement: “We are delighted to host the 50th convention. This is an opportunity of the lifetime to unite Odias across the world. Our focus is inclusiveness. Our theme is Bindu Bindu Misi Hue Sindhu (Many drops make ocean). We invite everyone to join us to celebrate our culture, dance, history, food and togetherness.”

Lalatendu Mohanty, President (OSA National), said in a statement: “Come, celebrate our culture and hospitality. We will take this opportunity to honor our pioneers and engage our youth.”

Sribatsa Das, President (OSA NY/NJ Chapter) and Co-Convener, said in a statement: “We are delighted to host the momentous convention in New Jersey. While we celebrate 50 years of our togetherness, we will build bridges for the next 50 years engaging our youth and the new arrivals.”

OSA (http://www.odishasociety.org) is one of the oldest Indian organizations in North America. The organization was launched by a group of astute Odias in 1969 at MIT.  Since their arrival, OSA members have not only made their mark in their adopted country in their chosen professions but also have reached out to their roots in Odisha and India to uplift the quality of lives there.

For more information about OSA 50th Convention please contact Sribatsa Das at president@nynj.odishasociety.org or visit http://www.osa2019.org