New York Hosts Panel Discussion On Diversity In Schools



The Consulate General of India in New York hosted a book reading event and a panel discussion on diversity in schools. The book, titled “Save me a Seat” is written by Gita Varadarajan and Sarah Weeks. Held in association with the India Center Foundation, the discussion, titled “Celebrating One Another – Diversity in Schools”, was moderated by Mr. Cornelius Minor, author and teacher at the Brooklyn School for Global studies, New York, who has special expertise in digital media and digital literacy. Weeks, a renowned author, has written more than 50 picture books and novels for children, while Varadarajan is a faculty at Riverside Elementary School in Princeton, New Jersey. Presentation of the book by the authors was followed by a panel discussion on diversity in today’s schools in the U.S. Cami Anderson, former school superintendent, Newark, New Jersey, as well as two middle school students also participated in the discussion. A large number of persons from diverse backgrounds attended the event.