More than a thousand Chicago seniors gather to enjoy annual picnic

More than 1,000 seniors gathered for the annual picnic organized by Bharatiya Seniors Chicago, June 26, 2022. Photo: Jayanti Oza, BSC

The community organization Bharatiya Seniors of Chicago hosted its annual  summer picnic June 26, 2022 , a day-long event falling on a Sunday, which meant a large number of people could attend.

From 9 am to 6 pm, more than 1,100 members gathered at St. James Farm in Warrenville IL., organizers said in a press release from Jayanti Oza of BSC.

The picnic required elaborate arrangements which made it successful.


The morning kickoff was with an elaborate breakfast of Methi Gota, Papdi, Kadhi, Jalebi and Tikha March coffee and Tea.

BSC members playing Limbu ‘Chamcha’ at the June 26, 2022, annual picnic in Chicagoland. Photo: Jayanti oza, BSC

President of BSC Hari Patel welcomed every one and gave details of the day’s program. The Vice President Bachu Paghdal distributed work for all committee members, so that the large crowd could be accommodate in a smooth flowing way.

The organizing and conducting of the picnic was planned out to the last detail as follows – Music System team: Ajay Makwana; Picnic Tickets Distribution: Madarsang Chavda, Raman Patel, and Mahesh Patel,Indu Vaghani; Kitchen food distribution Management: Bachu Paghdal; Transportation, Ice Cream, Watermelon delivery: Pravin Amin, Pinakin Patel; Picnic Sign Making and post on Road intersection: Jayanti Oza, Bharat Doshi and Ilesh Shah; VIP Guest Service: Pursotam Pandya, Madarsang Chavda and Raman Patel; Watermelon distribution: Arvind Guna Patel, Bharat Doshi, Indu Vaghani, Preeti Patel;  ICE Gola Distribution: Ramesh  Rupani and Navin DholakiyaIce Cream Distribution: Damini Patel, Rakshika Anjaria, Jyotsna Patel, Shilpa Desai and Rasila Dobariya; Soft Drinks Distribution: Bharat Doshi, Babu Laheri, Chandrakant Patel, Hansraj Patolia, Bhupat Ranpariya, Balubhai Dobariya, Shirish Shah, Amrit Patel; Bingo, Music Chair, Limbu Chamcha sports: Rakshika Anjariya, Damini Patel, Rashila Dobariya, Shilpa Desai, Jyotsna Patel; Food Supplier: Nimuben  (Swati Restaurant),

Swati Restaurant team preparing food for BSC members at the annual picnic June 26, 2022, attended by 1,100 seniors of Bharatiya Seniors Chicago. Photo: Jayanti Oza, BSC
Chicago Art Circle poet Shobhit Desai (Mumbai), Ashraf Dabavala (Chicago), Madhumati Mehta (Chicago). Photo: provided via Jayyanti Oza, BSC
BSC Committee distributing picnic tickets June 26, 2022, Bharatiya Seniors Chicago event. Seen in picture Mahesh Patel, Madarsang Chavda, Raman Patel, Hari Patel. Photo: Jayanti Oza, BSC

In the afternoon, the Chicago Art Circle’s Poets Shobhit Desai (Mumbai), Ashraf Dabavala (Chicago), Madhumati Mehta (Chicago) entertained the crowd for 2 hours,  followed by a lunch of Pau Bhaji, Onion and Chhas.

Numerous games were enjoyed by those present, including Bingo, Musical Chairs, and Limbu Chamcha.

The event also included prizes for winners etc. followed by desserts of watermelon and ice cream.

Dinner included Khichdi, Chhas, Potatoes Shak and Mohan Thal.

Donors who helped make a picnic a success were thanked.