Kidspost: Celebrate all year with fun holidays

Young couples enjoyed games like Musical Chairs at the March 1, 2019 “Desi Next” Valentine’s Day event in Long Island, NY. (Photo courtesy Association of Indians in America)

Holidays can be big celebrations. The family gets a break from work and school. There’s a tasty meal involved and occasionally songs and gifts.

But honestly there just aren’t enough official holidays. Most states observe 10. Even if your family celebrates certain religious holidays, you probably have about 350 days that could be considered ordinary.

We at KidsPost believe every day is an excuse to celebrate something. So each January we compile a list of unusual holidays. They might be holidays you have never heard of. (Sometimes we haven’t.) You might not know how to mark such holidays. (Create your own odd-holiday traditions.) Most of all, use our list to help make 2020 a year filled with days that are far from ordinary.Opposite Day (January 25): You might say this isn’t a holiday just because we say it is. (Get it?) But the idea of this day is to mix things up. Have dessert before dinner. Wear a T-shirt on top of your hoodie. Insist that your parents teach you their new TikTok dances.


– National Love Your Pet Day (February 20): We know you love your pets every day, but this is a day to show them just how much. Take Max for an extra-long walk. Crumple up paper and let Bella bat it around the floor. Ask your fish what’s new and really listen.

– International Waffle Day (March 25): In Sweden, what started long ago as a Christian holiday (Varfrudagen, or Our Lady Day) sounded like Vaffeldagen, or Waffle Day. And so this delicious celebration began. Since then, it has caught on in other Scandinavian countries. Try waffles as Swedes do, with fruit and whipped cream instead of syrup.

– National Sibling Day (April 10): If you have brothers and sisters, you know those relationships are complicated. A sibling can be your best friend or the most annoying person ever – sometimes in the same day. Forget the squabbles today, and give them a hug, a high-five or at least a smile.

– No Socks Day (May 8): The idea for this day is to give your toes fresh air, so don’t shove them into sneakers and get them stinky. Grab your flip-flops or sandals, and let those piggies breathe!

– American Eagle Day (June 20): The majestic bald eagle became the U.S. national symbol on this date in 1782. But eagles aren’t just a patriotic symbol, they’re a conservation success story. In the 1970s, bald eagles were in danger of extinction. But by 2007, their numbers had recovered. Today is a good day to think about how to help save other endangered species.

– Different Colored Eyes Day (July 12): Washington, D.C.-area residents might call this Max Scherzer Day. But the Nationals’ pitcher isn’t unique in having heterochromia iridis, or eyes of two colors. Less that 1 percent of the population has the genetic condition. So if you know someone who does, tell them how cool their eyes are.

– Be an Angel Day (August 22): Do something for someone else today with no expectation of getting anything in return. That person could be your mom or a homeless person. Think of it as paying forward the kindness you have received. Spread the word, and maybe kids can turn acts of kindness into a worldwide movement.

– Make a Hat Day (September 15): Get crafty, and make a topper that’s striking or silly but certainly unique. Challenge your friends to a hatmaking competition. Your creativity could give you a head start on an upcoming holiday: Halloween.

– Face Your Fears Day (October 20): Everyone is afraid of something. It’s fine to avoid some fears – jumping out of an airplane, for example. But try conquering an everyday fear today, and feel a boost in confidence.

– Red Planet Day (November 28): On this date in 1964, NASA launched its first mission to get close-range images of Mars. Mariner 4 was a success, the first step in exploring what would become the next frontier for human space travel. Learn a bit more about the Red Planet today. It could be your future home.

– Look on the Bright Side Day (December 21): It’s the winter solstice, the day when the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere is at its maximum tilt from the sun. Without much natural light, some people feel sad. But there’s a lot to celebrate this time of year – including holiday light shows. If you can’t make it to one of those, remember: Starting the next day, each day till summer will bring a little bit more sunlight.