International engineering body elects Indian-American as future president of computer division

Nita Patel, P.E., Senior Director, Engineering Lead Design Center-Farmington at Otis, an IEEE Foundation director, and mentor for several IEEE Women in Engineering summits, has been voted IEEE CS 2022 president-elect (2023 president). Photo: IEEE-CS via press release.

The IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) announced Sept. 29, 2021, that Nita Patel who is Senior Director, Engineering Lead Design Center-Farmington at Otis, has been voted IEEE CS 2022 president-elect (2023 president).

Patel is an IEEE Foundation director; and a mentor for several IEEE Women in Engineering summit. The IEEE Computer Society describes itself as “the world’s home for computer science, engineering, and technology,” which provides access to computer science research, analysis, and information.

Patel will serve as the 2023 IEEE CS president for a one-year term beginning 1 January 2023. The president oversees IEEE CS programs and operations and is a nonvoting member of most IEEE CS program boards and committees.


She garnered 3,277 votes, compared with 1,791 votes cast for Dimitrios Serpanos, who is a professor at the University of Patras and the president of the Computer Technology Institute, Greece, a press release from IEEE-CS said. The 2021 election had a 14.01% turnout with 5,238 ballots cast. The turnout percentage was lower than the 2020 election, which had a 16.36% turnout (6,620 ballots cast), and the 2019 election, which had a 15.10% turnout (5,949 ballots cast).

Patel, P.E., is a Senior Director of Engineering at L3 Technologies, Warrior Sensor Systems, Insight, a manufacturer of night-vision and electro-optical systems.

She has been involved in many facets of IEEE, including her current role as Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference Chair, Board of Governors member of the IEEE Computer Society and Board of Governors member of Eta Kappa Nu.

Outside of IEEE, Patel is active with Toastmasters International and the United States Chess Federation. She has an MS Computer Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering and BS Mathematics from Southern Methodist University.)

Other positions in the IEEE were also voted upon, among them for Vice President and members of the Board of Governors.