Indian Consulate, Chicago, urges public to come for Yoga Day

Flyer announcing International Yoga Day 2022 event. Photo: Chicago Indian Consulate

The Consulate General of India, Chicago announced June 7, that it will be hosting an event to commemorate International Yoga Day 2022 on Saturday, June 18 at 09:30 AM Central Standard Time at Grant Park (Grove 5) Chicago, IL (The intersection of E Balbo Ave and Columbus Dr).

Prior registration is necessary (see details on flyer)

“We hope everyone attending the event will enjoy performing Yoga postures as per the “Common Yoga Protocol” along with other Yoga enthusiasts for the International Day of Yoga celebration.  It will enable us to showcase Yoga and highlight this year’s IDY theme “Yoga for Humanity”,” the Chicago Indian Consulate said in a press release.