Indian Christians led by FIACONA hold prayer for end to violence in Manipur at the United Nations

Prayer rally to protest violence in Manipur held before the UN in New York recently, led by FIACONA. PHOTO: courtesy FIACONA

The Indian Christian community in the Tri-state area held a prayer vigil in front of the United Nations to highlight the violence in Manipur, particularly the alleged attacks on the Kuki-Zo tribal people who are mostly Christian. The Prayer rally was attended by Christians from all denominations and regions  in North America in cooperation with FIACONA (Federation of Indian American Christians of North America).

A press release from organizers said the vigil was attended by more than seven hundred people, and clergy conducted the prayers to decry the loss of lives and destruction of homes and churches in Manipur.

Indian American State Senator from New York Kevin Thomas addressing a rally outside the UN which was holding a prayer for end to violence in Manipur, India. PHOTO: FIACONA

“This is not a protest rally. We aim not to examine why the riots happened, who is responsible, or politics,” President of FIACONA George Koshy is quoted saying in the press release. “We are here today to pray for the rule of law in Manipur, and obviously, there are limits as to what we can do to help. However, Prayer does not have any limitations”. He further clarified that we aim not to condemn or oppose anyone politically,” Koshy added.

Dr. Anna George, the leader of this event, said the suffering on the ground in Manipur was “beyond our imagination.

Other speakers at the event included activist Peter Friedrich, and  New York State Senator Kevin Thomas, as well as Bishop Johncy Itty of the Episcopal Church who said,” the wonderful thing about humanity is that we reveal ourselves in times of distress and how we come together in times of anxiety and frustrations because we care about justice, freedom, and peace. He urged the gathering to be resolute in fighting for justice and praying for those who are persecuted”.

Leaders of FIACONA, and others, addressed the prayer rally held recently before the UN, in New York, calling for end to the violence in Manipur, India. PHOTO: FIACONA

Pastor Robinson Frank, a Catholic priest of the American Church, said that the governments should wake up and work to develop the legal system in Manipur. Individuals originally from Manipur spoke of incidents faced by families in the violence.

Pastor Jacob George gave the opening prayer. Evangeline Jacob American National Anthem, and Fr. Francis Nambiaparam sang the Indian National Anthem. Pastor Babu Thomas, Dr. Sam Samuel, Pastor Itty Abraham, Rev. Dr. Taylor, Rev. Jess M. George, Rev.Dr. Hemalatha Parmar, Pastor Percy McEwan, Rev. Jatinder Gill, and others participated in speeches, prayers, or scripture readings. Mathew George expressed a vote of thanks.



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