Indian American seniors from around US hold 34th annual conference in Florida

Top row left to right – Rajeshwar Prasad,fFounder & chairman NIAASC, Gunjan Rastogi, president NIAASC, and , Invocation by Acharya Prayagraj. Bottom row, left to right- Speakers – Alicia Ramirez -AARP, Baldev Seekri, Dr. Srivinasa Rao PHOTO: Courtesy NIAASC

The National Indo-American Association for Senior Citizens ( held its 34th conference in Tavares, Florida, November 18, 2023, in collaboration with Shantiniketan-3.

More than 100 participants attended, according to a press release from NIAASC, including well-known professionals in various fields. The theme of the conference was: “Empowering Aging”.

Subjects discussed included –

  1. Protecting Seniors Citizens (Safeguarding against Scams) by Alicia Ramirez (AARP)
  2. Aging — A Curse or Boon by Baldev Seekri
  3. Debunking Anti-Aging Myths by Srinivasa Rao
Special Recognition of Shantiniketan 3 Advisory Committee (in the center) by NIAASC Board Members
left to right -Santosh Kumar, Baldev Seekri, Vasundhara Kalasapudi, ??, Tara Ashok, Yogesh Naik, Gunjan Rastogi, Rajeshwar Prasad and Chandrakant Shah. PHOTO: NIAASC

Alicia Ramirez is a retired professional from AARP and in her speech warned about scams based on AI technology targeting seniors and urging everyone to be cognizant about it. Baldev Seekri is the author of ‘Meaningful Aging’ and among the topics he highlighted was how the mind-set can make meaningful aging happen. Srinivasa Rao, a bio-medical scientist who has authored a slew of articles on food and nutrition, shed light on reverse aging via nutrition.

A lamp lighting ceremony was followed by an invocation by Acharya Prayagraj.  Opening remarks were made by Yogesh Naik from Shantiniketan-3 (Advisory Committee) and Chandrakant Shah (NIAASC Conference Coordinator) who welcomed all the participants and the guests.

In her welcome speech, Gunjan Rastogi, NIAASC president greeted all participants and talked about the detailed program and assured the members of her unwavering commitment to the organization and further reiterated that the vision will continue to fortify the organization’s mission to be a force multiplier for helping the Seniors.  Rajeshwar Prasad, founder and chairman of NIAASC, spoke at length of the need to foster partnerships and collaboration to enable the organization to hold workshops for seniors nationwide

Entertainment provided by members of Shantiniketan-3. PHOTO: Courtesy NIAASC

The conference was financially supported by various sponsors and donations ranged from $51.00 to $10,000, organizers said in the press release. The major sponsor being Santosh Kumar from Chicago and India Home (NY).

The cultural program was emceed by Tara Ashok and thoroughly enjoyed by the audience, the press release said.

The NIAASC has been in operation since 1999 with the stated objectives “To provide help to seniors through information, referral and advocacy services.”