Indian American baby dies after family gets off Qatar Airways flight

A Qatar Airways plane is seen in Doha, Qatar June 5, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer

An Indian American baby died on Wednesday after suffering from breathing difficulties during a Qatar Airways flight from Qatar to India, according to a press release.

When the three-and-a-half-hour flight from Doha, Qatar, landed in Hyderabad, India, family members of 11-month-old Arnav Varma of New Jersey had told airport staff that their baby had been ill.

Varma was then brought to Apollo Medical Center in Hyderabad, about 50 minutes after the flight landed, he was already dead.


It was noted in his death certificate that he had a red mark on his forehead when his body was brought to the hospital.

The certificate confirmed that Varma’s father, Anil Varma Alluri, is from Hyderabad, according to multiple news reports.