India paid homage as global community celebrates 10th International Day of Yoga at the United Nations

Participants performing yoga at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

United Nations: With the Manhattan skyline as the backdrop and the United Nations building before them, hundreds gathered to observe the 10th International Day of Yoga, June 21, 2024. World diplomats, senior United Nations (UN) officials and staff members, community organizations, and members of the global community performed yoga stances  on the North Lawn of the UN Headquarters in New York at the memorable event hosted by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations.

International Day of Yoga was adopted by the UN on the initiative set in motion by India and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi a decade ago. Last year, Modi came to lead the IDA gathering at the UN.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and Deputy Permanent Representative of India to UN, R Ravindra at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

Underscoring that “yoga has become a symbol of overall well-being, health, and peace” India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to UN, R. Ravindra, reminded everyone of the yoga celebrations last year on the North Lawn, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the celebrations with active participation from UN delegates and leadership. He said India will forever remain grateful for the support.

Members of the Indian Raga Connection performing yoga dance at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

In his video message, President of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis noted that yoga has been an integral part of India’s culture for thousands of years, and has gradually spread worldwide, with millions of people practicing it for its mental, physical, and spiritual benefits.

Members of the UN Chamber Music Society during the live music performance at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

Francis pointed out that yoga has many benefits and helps attain “a sense of contentment and happiness, physical strength and flexibility, mental fortitude, a sense of empathy and compassion, self-fulfillment and realization,” while adding, “A sense of inner peace, all qualities that should also guide our efforts on the multilateral stage. Indeed, it is fitting we are here at the United Nations, formally celebrate this historic day.”

UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, thanked Francis for his “thoughtful message and for emphasizing the rich cultural history of India and yoga.” Mohammed said Francis beautifully highlighted the positive impacts and benefits of yoga, aligning them with the values and lifestyle it promotes. She said, he also emphasized how yoga serves as a “powerful metaphor” for the work conducted within the United Nations itself.

Participants performing yoga at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

“Today it brings millions of us together of all ages, diverse backgrounds to honor this ancient tradition. In fact, this time, here at the United Nations, we set the Guinness World Book of Records for the most nationalities practicing yoga together and I was a proud one of those many,” Mohammed expressed. “That achievement was a wonderful and a powerful symbol of yoga’s global popularity, its universal appeal and its power to bring people together in their shared interests, and their shared humanity.”

While providing background about the International Day of Yoga, Chair of the International Day of Yoga Committee at UN, Denis Scotto said, “The UN General Assembly passed a resolution and that’s how we have June 21, as world Yoga Day. This is a real milestone for us as we move forward because we see the explosion and the expansion of how yoga is embraced by everyone in the world.”

Participants performing yoga at the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations on June 21, 2024, at UN Headquarters in New York. PHOTO: T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, News India Times

Scotto went on to state that for those unfamiliar, it’s noteworthy that 177 countries co-sponsored this General Assembly resolution. This widespread support highlights the global unity and underscores the importance of local and regional backing in shaping an international agenda and theme. Additionally, the initiative achieved near-unanimous backing from member states, reflecting its broad appeal.

President of the UN Chamber Music Society, Brenda Vongova, who gave a live music performance along with her team, said, “There is a beautiful parallel between yoga and music. The rhythmic flow of yoga postures combined with a soul’s harmony creates a symphony of life. Both disciplines – music and yoga, have the power to touch our hearts, bodies, minds, and spirits. After all, we are all energetic beings who respond to vibrations. Today, we are proud to present a special world music program that embodies the harmony and unity yoga fosters.”

Yoga dance by Indian Raga Connection; Pranayam, a meditation session by yoga master Aastha Puri of Isha Yoga; Common yoga protocol by yoga master Annelies Richmond of the Art of Living; and Live yoga sound bath performance by Atmarpit Shraddhaji Kothari were also presented during the celebrations.

In addition to the yoga celebrations at UN, the Consulate General of India in New York also marked Yoga Day with foreign diplomats serving in New York on the Edge Observation Deck. Diplomats from over 25 countries participated in the yoga session.



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