Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi announces 8th District photography ctest

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Illinois,was re-elected for the third term to Congress Nov. 3, 2020 election day. Photo:

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) announced the launch of a district-wide landscape photography competition running from January 1st through 31st 2021.

“Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a seasoned professional, you know there are so many opportunities to showcase our area all across Illinois’ 8th District,” Congressman Krishnamoorthi who represents that district from the state, is quoted saying in a press release.

“From the splendor of Busse Woods and the Arthur L. Janura Forest Preserve, to the everyday wonders that many have found in their own back yards, the 8th District has so much beauty to offer and I am proud to lend my support to our district’s photographers in capturing its magnificence and charm,” Rep. Krishnamoorthi added.


Constituents who live in IL’s 8th District are encouraged to email their landscape photos of IL’s 8th District to with the photographer’s name, zip, and where in the District the photo was taken.

Applicants are reminded to attach their photos in their highest resolution.

Applicants are also advised that by submitting a photo to this competition they are giving Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi’s office permission to use it. The winning photo will be announced via social media in early February. The deadline to submit a photo for the January 2021 competition is 11:59pm January 31st 2021.