ICCR Scholarship Scheme for Indian Culture


New York: The Indian Council For Cultural Relations (ICCR) is offering scholarships for study of Indian  classical  music,  dance,  painting,  yoga  and  sculpture  at  Indian universities/institutes  in  the  academic   year    2021-  22.  This  Scholarship Scheme  is offered to nationals of all countries.

Under this scheme, applicants will have  the option  to apply  to five universities/ institutes in the  order  of their  preference of study.  Applicants are  requested to log onto  “Admissions to Alumni” (A2A),  the  Scholarship Portal  developed by ICCR at  http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/.  This  portal   contains  all  the  relevant information for the applicants including details  of all State Universities, Central Universities   and    Institutes,   colleges   affiliated   with    them,    courses   available, availability of hostels, applications guidelines, eligibility criteria and other  relevant information for helping the applicants in decision-making while  applying for the academic courses of their preference.


Please  carefully note the following:

  • Applicants should  be  18  years   of  age  at  the  time  of  admission  in  Indian university/ institute and not more  than 30 years  of age.
  • Application submission  process  will  begin  on  15  March  2021  and  last  date  of submission is 30 April 2021.
  • Submission will be done through ICCR’s online portal:


  • Candidates will have to prove English proficiency. Kindly read the guidelines on the portal.
  • Interested candidates  are  advised  to  visit  university/  institute  website  and  do thorough research of courses offered, eligibility criteria and general information about the university/ institute before applying for admission
  • ICCR will offer return economy class airfare  to the nearest  airport  and train fare to the place of study, if so required.
  • Compulsory  personal   medical   insurance   is  a  mandatory   requirement   for availing  of ICCR’s  scholarship  with minimum  sum assured  for Indian rupees five lakhs which is equivalent  to about USD $6800 per annum.

Detailed Guidelines are available at: http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/assets/site/docs/Policy%20Guidelines.pdf For FAQ´s, kindly refer to the link below:


For User Manual, please refer to link below:


ICCR Scholarship Application Portal: http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/

For any further queries, interested students should contact the Culture Section of the Consulate General of India, New York by email. Please send your queries to culture.newyork@mea.gov.in