Ian Grillot – A true American Hero

Ian Grillot.

NEW YORK: Ian Grillot, 24, from Olathe, Kansas, is a true American hero. A courageous, fearless man who reacted the right way to a wrong. Did his best to save lives of others. He tried to take down a cowardly racist Adam Purinton, who shot dead Indian aviation engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla, injured another engineer from India Alok Madasani.

Grillot, who graduated from Olathe North High School in 2010, lives in Holly Ridge, North Carolina. He was born in Saint Paul, Kansas. An avid player of disc golf and fishing, Grillot has posted on his Facebook page some of his prized catches. He’s a fan of the Kansas City Royals and the University of Kansas basketball team.

Grillot is the kind of man who should be lauded not just in the United States, but around the world. Some heroes show their mettle on the battlefield. Some other rare heroes like Grillot show exemplary character under fire of a different kind: hatred and vitriol. Show strong condemnation for senseless violence by going after an evil perpetrator, make the world a better place to live in.


Grillot is sure to be a star on America’s TV networks once he recovers, a living legend. He will be glorified like other American heroes who didn’t hesitate one bit to put themselves in risk’s way, to save lives, like in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

America will honor its son Ian Grillot. But the Indian government must also honor Grillot. When officials from India and the US talk of people-to-people interaction, here’s the perfect opportunity. To show the high regard and respect India has for America and Americans like Grillot. India should honor Grillot at its next Republic Day function. Show him gratitude for his selfless act.

When Grillot, lying down in a hospital bed, shot in his arm and chest, came to know that Madasani was alive, this is what he told the Kansas City Star:  “It just put the biggest smile on my face. I’m just very grateful that one of the gentlemen is fine and alive. It’s terrible what happened to his friend. But I think he was watching over us last night.”

Grillot added of Madasani: “He’s my new best friend.”

A big salute to you Ian Grillot!