Harmony Foundation bestows Mother Teresa Memorial Award on Iranian Nobel laureate

Narges Mohammadi Iranian activist and Nobel Laureate 2023. PHOTO Courtesy Harmony Foundation

The Mumbai-based Harmony Foundation established by Dr. Abraham Mathai in 2005, recently announced it is bestowing the Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice, on jailed 2023 Nobel Laureate and women’s rights activist in Iran, Narges Mohammadi.

Harmony Foundation honors “remarkable individuals and organizations from around the world who have made selfless contributions to the betterment of our society, and to the well-being of suffering and marginalized humanity worldwide,” the organization said in an October 18, 2023, press release.

In its 19th edition, under the theme of “Humanity in Action” the Foundation recognized Mohammadi as one of the recipients of the Mother Teresa award “in recognition of her undaunted courage to put her life on the line as a fearless defender and advocate of human rights.” The award ceremony was scheduled to take place end of November in Mumbai, and Taghi Rahmani, the husband of Narges Mohammadi and her two children were expected to attend to receive the Award.


The Foundation said about Mohammadi, “Her remarkable efforts stand as an enduring source of inspiration for people across the globe, and her commitment to advancing democratic freedom and civil liberties, even in the face of indefinite imprisonment and confinement, is truly commendable.”

The Harmony Foundation also commended the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s decision to nominate Mohammadi for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2023. “The Harmony Foundation, too, stands alongside the visionary warriors across the world who courageously advocate against women’s oppression, igniting change and inspiring hope. The Harmony Foundation believes that it is not only our moral duty but a critical necessity to stand against such radicalism in society, of which Narges Mohammadi’s fight is a shining example,” the press release said.

In a statement issued on November 17, 2023, the Harmony Foundation praised Mohammadi for not giving in to imposition of wearing a hijab to receive medical treatment.

“The Harmony Foundation applauds the admirable commitment of Narges Mohammadi in challenging the mandatory wearing of the hijab imposed by Iran’s Islamic regime as a prerequisite for women to access essential healthcare services, even in the face of serious health challenges,” the statement said. On November 16, Mohammadi “was admitted to the hospital late at night, marking a significant development in this ongoing narrative,” Harmony Foundation noted in its press release.

Past awardees of the Harmony Foundation include Nobel Laureates Tawakkol Karman, Malala Yousufzai; Laila Talo Khudher Alali, Women for Afghan Women, and the Office for the Rescue of the Yazidis.