Fundraiser held in New York for seniors’ home in India

A senior being helped at a SHEOWS facility in greater Delhi area. Photo:

Members of the Long Island community in New York gathered at Antun’s restaurant in Hicksville Nov. 11, 2022, to garner support for an old people’s home in India that has proved itself over the years by taking care of thousands of destitute seniors abandoned by their families.

The Saint Hardyal Educational and Orphan Welfare Society (SHEOWS.ORG), which helps save lives of the abandoned, destitute, and homeless elderly across greater Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, has a strong band of supporters in the U.S. who held a fundraiser for helping it continue to operate.

Doctors attend to an elderly patient at a SHEOWS facility in Delhi. Photo:

SHEOWS reaches out to the abandoned among us, and gives them dignity. The rescued people are bathed, fed, cleaned and housed at one of three ashrams where they also receive medical attention, counselling, legal counsel and most importantly, respect, organizers of the event said in a press release.


SHEOWS is home to more than 500 people and over the years it has rescued more than 6,000 people and rehabilitated at least a third of them, the press release said.

One would think this could only happen to the most dysfunctional of families, with no extended community support, “The reality is that the grandson of the Great Mahatma Gandhi ended up at SHEOWS,” organizers said.

Mohan Wanchoo giving the welcome speech November 11, 2022 at Antun’s in Hicksville, NY for raising funds for a seniors organization in greater Delhi named SHEOWS. Photo: courtesy organizers
Saurabh Bhagat, director of SHEOWS speaking at the November 11, 2022, fundraising event in Hicksville, NY. Photo: courtesy organizers.
Drs. Leena and Nitin Doshi, long time supporters of SHEOWS, speaking at the Nov. 11, 2022, fundraiser. Photo: courtesy organizers.

About 100 Indian-Americans met at Antun’s even though SHEOWS is not well know in Long Island, organizers said, adding that the need for such organizations had grown manifold in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic.

The Long Island team led by Mohan Wanchoo, and supported by Drs. Nitin & Leena Doshi, Kamlesh Mehta and Abbas Baqueri, organized the event. Singer Gita Setia performed at the event. Entertainment was also provided by Sonny and Kajal.

Organizers described the intervention services provided by SHEOWS, was “the work of God and a miracle.”

The hosts of the event gave the audience an account of their experiences. Wanchoo told News India Times the amount raised had not yet been tallied as some of the donors have yet to send their pledges, but that all the funds would go towards helping SHEOWS run its various establishments. Those wishing to know more can visit the website, and make contributions at under the banner of SHEOWS.

Saurabh Bhagat, whose grandfather started the initiative, presented details of the work done by the organization. He described the relentless efforts made “to drive out to the nooks and crannies of Delhi to rescue the old people in need. Most are in poor health, some with living magots crawling on them, others with dementia and Alzheimer’s, all hungry and left to battle the elements.” He talked about SHEOWS’ journey over three generations, and the establishment of the three ashrams, all of which are committed to bring back to the abandoned people’s life, the dignity of being, that they were stripped of.