Free safety belts: Elie Y. Katz’s “Stay Safe Teaneck Pedestrian” campaign in memory of Harold Gellis

(Photo courtesy of IDT.)

As the weather gets a little warmer, more people are out on the streets; walking, playing ball, and just generally enjoying the nicer weather.

With the number of people on the street going up, so does the number of pedestrian injuries and fatalities.

Elie Y. Katz & the Gellis family are continuing their work giving out reflective belts to Teaneck, New Jersey residents in memory of Harold Gellis.


To date, they have distributed over 3900 belts.

Harold Gellis, age 71, was a long time resident of Teaneck and passed away unexpectedly on February 28, 2019.

Because of limited supplies, this program is open to Teaneck residents first.

If you need a belt, visit