Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley to chair foundation she established as Governor

U.S. President Donald Trump talks with U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Oval Office of the White House after it was reported the president had accepted the Haley’s resignation. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

President Trump’s former Indian-American Ambassador to the United Nations, has gone back to her roots in South Carolina to head a foundation she established when she was Governor of that state.

The South Carolina-based Original Six Foundation (The O6 Foundation) announced Feb. 12, that the organization’s founder, Ambassador Nikki R. Haley, the only Indian-American holding a cabinet-level position, will return to Chair the foundations’ board. In addition to Amb. Haley, The O6 Foundation elected a new Board of Trustees composed of civic, business, and industry leaders from across South Carolina, including Haley’s husband, Major Michael Haley.

“South Carolina’s children are our state’s future leaders. That’s why it’s so important that every single child feels they have the support system and resources they need to succeed. Regardless of where they are born, we want these kids to know all of us are here to lift them up and help them achieve greatness,” Haley is quoted saying in the press release.


The O6 Foundation also announced Nicki Hood, of Columbia, S.C. and a graduate of the University of South Carolina, as the Foundation’s Executive Director and promoted Nick Washington, of Columbia, S.C. and a graduate of Francis Marion University, as the organization’s Program Director.

Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, and currently, The O6 Foundation provides afterschool homework assistance to 4th through 8th grade students in Bamberg County at Richard Carroll Elementary School, in Clarendon County at Manning Junior High School, and in Union County at Jonesville Elementary and Middle School. Each program operates with two certified teachers and serves students Monday through Thursday.

Founded in 2011 by then-Governor Haley, The O6 Foundation serves as a catalyst of change in South Carolina by uniting public, private, and civic partners and resources with rural communities to improve education for every child, regardless of where they are born and raised, the press release said.

Haley, who is also helping with donations to the Foundation from the sale of her book, “Can’t Is Not an Option” has been speculated about as a future Republican candidate for President.