Family in Florida helps solve murder of Indian American, hasn’t gotten reward yet


A family in South Beach, Florida has not gotten their fair share after they helped police identify the man who killed Indian American Kamil Patel, 29, back in January.

According to an earlier News India Times report, Patel was shot and killed on Miami Beach, while he and his girlfriend Katy Park were walking down an alley called Collins Court, just south of Española Way, into a karaoke bar, just before midnight on Thursday, Jan. 25.


Patel had just moved to South Florida from Dallas, Texas to pursue the position of operations manager at the Prada store in Bal Harbor, Florida.

Police had released a surveillance video of the crime at the time saying that whoever helped them identify the suspect will receive a $13,000 reward, but this family hasn’t received a single dime, according to a WSVN report.

A man, who refused to be identified, told WSVN that he was in the back of the car that was captured on the surveillance video which showed his friend Tyrone Jackson getting out of the car and shooting Patel before fleeing the scene.

He told WSVN that he was afraid to say anything but was convinced by his mother to speak out, now the man’s life is in danger.

Both mother and son are currently living in a secret location and the Miami Beach Police are paying for their housing and food expenses, however the mother told WSVN that they still haven’t received their prize money.

According to the mother, police told her that they are entitled to get the entire $25,000 but since the reward money is coming from a new reward fund set up through the Greater Miami-Miami Beach Police Foundation, the chairman of the organization said that he can’t send the reward money to the family until he receives that documentation from the police department, according to WSVN.