Edison Adult Day Care center hosts 5 K Walk. 92 year-old participates!

Many volunteers helped to make the 5K walk-a-thon of the Edison Adult Day Care Center a success. Around 80 seniors above 65 years of age participated in the July 19, 2024 event. PHOTOS: organizers

The Edison, NJ, Adult Day Care center held a 5K Walk-a-thon on July 19, 2024, for seniors over 65 years of age.

In a bid to encourage more physical activity for a healthy lifestyle, the walk-a-thon on the Metuchen Trail was joined by some 80 enthusiastic seniors.

Dozens of seniors took part in the 5K walk hosted by the Edison Adult Day Care Center.

Organizers had made arrangements for supplying participants with water bottles, juice and glucose biscuits on the trail in case anyone needed the sustenance and hydration.


The oldest senior who joined was 92 year old Nagjibhai Patel, organizers said in a press release.

“Seniors with  physical limitation surprised us by walking mile, two mile and more,” organizers said.

Seniors being helped by volunteers at the 5K walk-a-thon hosted by the Edison Adult Day Care Center.

The special guest to kick-off the walk-a-thon was Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak, “who has been working very seriously for the Asian community,” organizers said.

Many volunteer came forward to make the event successful, and the Edison Adult Day Care said it was looking forward to holding more events of the same kind in the future.

Participants getting ready to take part in the 5 K walk-a-thon of the Edison Adult Day Care Center.