Dita Bhargava announces run for Connecticut State Treasurer

Dita Bhargava, running for Connecticut State Treasurer. Photo: @ditact22.com

Dita Bhargava, a Democratic activist in Connecticut, announced her run for State Treasurer May 19, 2022.

Bhargava, who was unanimously elected in January of 2017, as Vice Chair of the Connecticut State Democratic Party, is seeking her party’s nomination in the primaries for Treasurer  scheduled for August 9, 2022. Her announcement comes soon after current Connecticut Treasurer Shawn Wooden revealed he would not be seeking re-election.

“I have received dozens of calls and emails from people urging me to get into the race,” Bhargava said in an email blast.


“These are volatile times that require significant and complex investment decisions. Now more than ever, Connecticut needs a Treasurer who has the background and experience necessary to run the office and maximize its impact. We need a Treasurer who understands finances, understands the social governance impact that office can have on corporate America, and will represent the highest standards of public service<’ Bhargava said. “I’ve spent 25 years working in finance on Wall Street and the past ten years working to help hold corporate America to a higher standard on issues that impact Connecticut residents in their everyday lives,” she added as she also praised Wooden for his accomplishments.

She said she planned to invite new businesses that will invest responsibly, and ensure that college graduates can find the right opportunities in Connecticut.

Bhargava was raised by a single mother of three children. She earned her electrical engineering degree from McMaster University in Canada and went on to pursue her interest in finance, then changing her career path in 2015 to work on civic initiatives focused on gender parity, empowering under-served communities and promoting cultural awareness and inclusion, her press release notes.

Bhargava co-founded the Parity Partnership of Connecticut, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to educating the public about gender inequality, and advocating for the availability of paid family leave, improving workplace culture, and developing strategies for businesses and organizations to create a more equitable environment for their employees.

She is on the board of the Urban League of Southern Connecticut, and is a founding board member of the India Cultural Center of Greenwich, a nonprofit that promotes culture and diversity. She is also an active volunteer and supporter with the Clinton Foundation, Robin Hood Foundation, and Inspirica Women’s Shelter.

Bhargava, who tragically lost her son Alec four years ago to an opioid overdose and has written about it, has been active in raising awareness of the crisis. In 2016, she repelled down a 22-story building in Stamford to support Shatterproof, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness on the issue.  She plans to take the leap again this year, her election website says.

She is married to Dan Pelletier, also a former engineering graduate and finance professional who owns a small software business based in Connecticut.  They married in October 2007, and live in Cos Cob, Connecticut, with their two children.