Congressman Thanedar introduces House Resolution to designate August 15, “Indian Independence Day”

Congressman Shri Thanedar, D-Michigan. PHOTO Profile photo on Twitter @ShriThanedar

Indian American Congressman Shri Thanedar, D-Michigan, introduced a House Resolution (647) on August 4, 2023, to designate August 15, 2023, as “Indian Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of World’s Two Largest Democracies.”

The Resolution was referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs the same day.

Rep. Thanedar was joined by co-sponsors Congressmen Buddy Carter, R-Georgia, and Brad Sherman, D-California.

The Resolution speaks of India achieving independence from the British on Aug. 15, 1947, when the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the nation’s flag; when India’s numerous minorities participated in celebrations.

It draws attention to India being the largest democracy with 1.4 billion people, whose leaders stood as examples for American civil rights icons like Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

It also addresses the close ties between the two nations based on the supremacy of the people, and the strong bond between these two peoples.

Alluding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent state visit to the US June 22, 2023, it says the relationship rose to “a new level of trust and mutual understanding based on common interests  and shared commitments  to  freedom, democracy, pluralism,  the  rule  of law, and respect for human rights.”

Resolution 647 also highlights the role of Americans of Indian heritage who have enhanced public life with their contributions in various areas endeavor, including holding up the US Constitution, and enriching the diversity of America.

For full text of House Res. 647:BILLS-118hres647ih



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