Community activist Satish Chandra formally announces run for Santa Clara City Council

Satish Chandra, front row left, with Indian Americans at a gathering. PHOTO:

Satish Chandra Vale, a longtime community activist and advisor on the Board of the Santa Clara Police Department, announced his run for the Santa Clara City Council from District 1, July 10, 2024. He kicked off his campaign formally at Agnews Historic Park in Santa Clara with more than 150 supporters, according to India Post News Service.

On his campaign website, Chandra said he was thrilled to announce his candidacy, adding, “Hi, I’m Satish Chandra Vale. I’ve been working in the IT industry for 25 years, and I’ve lived in Santa Clara, California, USA, for 14 years. Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to help people who need it, like NGOs and those who are less fortunate.”

Currently, he serves on the Chief Advisory Committee Board at the Santa Clara Police Department, where he said he collaborates on initiatives to enhance public safety and foster community unity.


He is also “actively involved” with non-profit organizations such as DCSCO (Don Callejon) Santa Clara School, the Sankara Eye Foundation, and KA-BOOM, contributing to education, healthcare, and recreational opportunities for youth.

He was also on the Santa Clara City (District #1) Charter Review Committee, advocating for residents’ right to elect the Police Chief. “My efforts were instrumental in preventing unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer funds, saving over half a million dollars that would have been spent on a special ballot measure. The overwhelming support from our community, with over 72% in agreement, reaffirmed the importance of this decision for our city’s future,” he claimed on the website.

Earlier, he served as President of the Toscana Rivermark community association.

Chandra has received significant endorsements for his run, including that of the Police Officers Association (SCPD), Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor, Councilmember Kathy Watanabe, Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, as well as Mayors Carmen Montano of Milpitas and Lily Mei of Fremont.

“Their support underscores our shared vision for a prosperous and inclusive Santa Clara,” Chandra says, adding that he is eager to tackle the challenges the city faces.