Central Jersey Business Organization to host kick-off on December 21


The Central Jersey Business Organization (CJBO) will have a kick-off and website launch on Friday, December 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Ember Restaurant in South Brunswick, New Jersey.

This will be the first-ever business organization to bring all types of business owners under one roof for networking, coaching, mentoring, education and other business ideas and exchanges, the organizers said in a press release.

The CJBO is incorporated exclusively to provide a platform to local businesses to exchange ideas, discuss and resolve their business issues, encourage innovation, doing business efficiently and ethically.

According to the founders, Pinakin Pathak, Mahendra Z. Patel and Hitesh Patel, membership into the organization will be on an annual fee basis and it will allow entrepreneurs to connect with other business owners and successful entrepreneurs, as well as mentors who will provide their valuable time to help new businesses and businesses established already to help them grow and provide some tips of successful business and future vision.

The organization will also provide education, ongoing presentations, coaching and mentoring to new and young business owners to make them entrepreneurs and continue to promote entrepreneurship by creating opportunities, assisting businesses, and developing professional growth via regular networking opportunities in various areas of businesses.



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