Bihar Foundation USA Hosts Engineering “Career Guidance Webinar”

videocapture from the Bihar Foundation USA engineering webinar May 7, 2022. Photo:Bihar Foundation USA

Bihar Foundation USA — East Coast Chapter, hosted a free webinar on “Career guidance in Cloud Computing” for Purnea Engineering College students on May 7, 2022.

Around 150 students and faculty from various streams took part in the 2-hour long event along with office bearers of Bihar Foundation, according to a press release from organizers.

The program was conducted with the guidance of Principal of PCE Purnea, Professors Neeraj Kumar and Saurabh Kumar, TPO, PCE Purnea.


Chairman of Bihar Foundation USA Alok Kumar welcomed participants and said the Webinar aimed to help students understand the requirements of the IT industry and prepare for challenges in terms of career designing and job opportunities. Alok Kumar, a native of Darbhanga, Bihar, currently lives in New Jersey and runs a technology company.

Still from the Bihar Foundation USA engineering webinar May 7, 2022. Photo: Bihar Foundation USA

Pravin Dwivedi, vice president, Cloud architect at JP Morgan Chase, was the keynote speaker for the online session. He is a Cloud Architect with more than 15 years of experience in the IT industry. He talked about Cloud Computing and career options available within the domain. He explained various certifications, programming languages, and their benefits and showed a road map to students by talking about the plan and execution of Cloud learning. He also said that if a student wants to make a career in technology, they must focus on the importance of practical exposure and soft skills while studying the theory, to build a better career in the field.

He also dwelt on the industries that are using cloud products and services. He concluded the session by saying that cloud technology is not going anywhere as far as the future is concerned, and students should skill-up themselves with leading technologies.

Photo of Web flyer for Bihar Foundation USA engineering webinar. Photo: Bihar Foundation USA

Chandan Trivedi, secretary, Bihar Foundation USA, gave the vote of thanks to speakers, students, and faculty members for making the event successful, and noted that Bihar Foundation USA has an extensive network of professionals and experts in various domains and industries and would continue to organize such events.