Association of South Asian Real Estate Professionals celebrates 2022 achievements

ASARP team and advisory board with special guests Dan Wagner and Piero Orsi. Photo: ASARP

The Association of South Asian Real Estate Professionals, ASARP, celebrated the organization’s achievements in 2022, and installed its new board of directors for 2023 at Waterford Banquets, Elmhurst on Friday Nov 4,2022.

The ASARP Annual Gala is one of the highly awaited events in the real estate industry in the Midwest, a press release from the organization said.

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthy Fecilitated by ASARP Team. Photo: ASARP

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Illinois, Mario Treto Jr, secretary, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), and Laurie Murphy, director IDFPR -Real Estate Division- were chief guests. Consul General of India, Chicago Somnath Ghosh conveyed his greetings through video message.


Pradeep B. Shukla and Shirin Marvi were reinstated as Chairman and President respectively, a press release from ASARP said.

Those attending the event included past president of Illinois Realtors, Dick Morris; incoming president Matt Silver; Le Thounedau, past president of MainStreet Organization of Realtors; Debbie Pawlowic, current president, John Gorlmey, CEO, Moti Agarwal, CEO of Millennium Bank and many other dignitaries.

Pradeep B Shukla being Honored by Team AANA for his service to the community. Photo: ASARP

Shukla explained ASARP’s vision to be a center of resource and leadership for South Asian real estate professionals and advocate of private property rights. He also reflected on the achievements of South Asians around the world, as leaders of countries and of multinationals. He advised the members to pursue their best in the limited time that is at their disposal and to give their best to the world.

According to Shirin Marvi, the South Asian population of the U.S. is around 2% but its share in the real estate sector is more than 8%. With a rapidly flourishing middle class they afford a very great opportunity for real estate business, Marvi said.

National anthems were sung by Ramona Schmika (U.S.) and Harsha Shukla (Indian). After the lamp lighting ceremony Congressman Krishnamoorthi praised ASARP for its services, and urged members to be politically engaged.

Treto and Murphy greeted ASARP for the “phenomenal services” the organization is rendering to society, the press release said.

Royal Queens Dance Group Ramya Eswaran, Shruti Warekar, Deepti Kulkarni & Sumit Grover with Choreographer Prachi Jaitly. Photo: ASARP
Shirlzar Dance Company performed Dandiya. Photo: ASARP

Prachi Jaitly of Artists Association of North America (AANA) and Sunita Kakarlapudi, director, invited the board members for the oath ceremony which was conducted by Piero Orsi, past president of MainStreet Organization of Realtors and a director on the board of National Association of Realtors.

Those who took the oath included Raj Patel, Anup Patel, Kanti Patel, Bimal Pandhi, Al Haroon Hussain, Vasanti Bhatt, Sunita Kakarlapudi, Marsha Collins in addition to Shirin Marvi and Pradeep B Shukla.

Advisory Board members present included Bhailal M. Patel, Sunil Shah, Nick Verma, Babu Patel and Dan Wagner.

Harsha Shukla explained ASARP’s goals which included opening regional chapters in North Carolina under supervision of T.R. Viswanathan, and in New York with affiliation of Ayres Dcunha, in the near future.

Marsa Collins helped with event flow and coordinated the decorations. Raj Patel facilitated the talk by NAR representative from India, Lalit Parmar, who also expressed his gratitude for the support of ASARP in global real estate business.

Cultural performances were coordinated by AANA- starting with Ganesh Vandana by Nishika Dubey followed by Shivoham themed dance by Thejolakshmi Achari, Bharatnatyam by Sonam Jain and Indian Folk Dance performance by Sumit Grover, Deepti Kulkarni, Shruti Warekar and Rumya Eswaran. These were followed by Bollywood and Dandiya Raas by Shirlzar Dance Company in which most of the guests participated enthusiastically. Elizar Rodrigues entertained the audiences with his melodious singing of some evergreen Bollywood songs.

Prachi Jaitly, Phani Krishna and Naveen Karna of Artists Association of North America were event coordinators.