American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin elects new leadership

AAPI leadership Photo: courtesy AAPI

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, the largest ethnic organization of medical professionals in the U.S., announced its new leadership April 16, 2023.

Dr. Ravi Kolli, current president of AAPI, Chief Election Officer Dr. Kusum Punjabi and Past BOT Chair of AAPI, jointly announced the news in Chicago, a press release from AAPI said. “We thank the election officers Dr. Ashok Jain, Dr. Sunita Kanumury, Dr. Sharad Lakhanpal, and Dr. Shashi Shah, and all the members of AAPI for participating in the democratic election process and exercising their role as the electoral college members,” they said in a joint statement.

The press release said a “record number” of voters participated in the election process. Dr. Kolli thanked those who voted in the electronic voting process, and described the new leadership as “a new, diverse, balanced, and experienced team.”


New Leadership:

President – Dr. Anjali Samadder; Vice President – Dr. Amit Chakrabarty; Secretary — Dr. Sumul Raval; Treasurer — Dr. Sreeni Gangasani; Board of Trustees for a three-year term – Dr. Syamala Erramilli, Dr. Hetal Gor, and Dr. Mahendra Maheshwari; South West Central Regional Director — Dr. Vijay Gunuganti; South East Central Regions Director (newly created position) – Dr. Anuradha Mann

“As the incoming President of AAPI, I would like to congratulate my incoming new team for the fiscal year 2023-24,” Dr. Anjana Samadder, who takes over at the July convention in Philadelphia, is quoted saying in the press release. “I’m very honored and consider myself fortunate to be bestowed with the responsibility of leading the four-decades-old strong organization with the cooperation and collaboration of an excellent team of dedicated, hardworking, and loyal officers and executive committee members who are with me to take AAPI to newer heights,” she added.

Dr. Sammader did not have to contest the election this year, as she has been serving as the President-Elect during the past year. Dr. Satheesh Kathula, who has been serving as the Vice President in the current year also did not have to face elections, as he automatically becomes the President-Elect of AAPI for the coming year.

Dr. Samadder is the 5th woman to take over as president of AAPI in its 41 years long history.

Dr. Ravi Kolli will continue to guide AAPI as the Immediate Past President of AAPI.

Dr. Lokesh Edara will serve as the Chair of the AAPI Board of Trustees for the year, 2023-24. “As the BOT Chair, I am looking forward to working towards strengthening the goals and mission of AAPI and to help make AAPI a healthcare leader in the US and globally and work in the best interests of our Physicians and our community here in the US and serve our motherland, India,” said Dr. Edara.

AAPI Leadership poses for photo. Photo: AAPI

While congratulating the newly elected leaders to the Executive Committee, Dr. Kathula, the President-Elect in 2023-24 said in a statement: “I want to congratulate all the winners of the election. I want to especially thank all the candidates for their passion and dedication to serving AAPI and regardless of the outcome, we need you as a valuable team member of our beloved AAPI.”

Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, who won the election to be the next Vice President of AAPI, thanked those who voted for him and said he would work to the fullest of his abilities to meet the goals of AAPI.

Dr. Sumul Raval, Secretary-Elect of AAPI said he was overwhelmed by the support and trust placed in him. “I am committed to building upon past achievements and leading AAPI with integrity, transparency, and innovation. I will focus on promoting diversity and inclusion in healthcare, advocating for the needs of our members, and fostering collaboration.”

Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, the newly elected Treasurer of AAPI called it an honor “to have your trust and confidence in me to help manage the finances of this fantastic organization,” adding she would uphold the highest standards transparency, accountability, and integrity.